Lisening to Feist, eating pretzels, drinking EmergenC, and knocking back the cold medicine and echinacea.. My life at this moment.
I have been a little remiss in my blogging promises. Not on purpose, I promise you. You know, college has been an even bigger excursion than I thought it would. The late nights, the planning ahead, working around a work schedule, eating around a designed meal plan, allowing oneself to budget in an occassional Starbucks, all the while trying to convince your body that it really isn't sick at all and it can push through until the end of the week without any real rest, are all things I hadn't bargained for. They have, though, inevitably happened, and are, at this very moment, happening.
My life is a sequence of 8:00am alarms, busy days, and random Facebook chats.
It's good :)