Sunday, November 22, 2009 communication project.::

For my Christian Thought we were told to explain our faith. We were told we could do anything from writing a song to painting to making a video - I wrote a story....

She had no idea how long she had been walking for. Hours, days, weeks, they all ran together. Her thoughts were a blur between the past, present, and future, but she was determined, determined to make it to the end, to finish this journey, and to see Him.
She stumbled as she pushed her way across the long grasses of the valley. They were so high she couldn’t even see the sky above her. She fell to her knees, crouching on all fours like a weary animal. Doubt clouded her mind for a just a moment, but with a breath of sheer purpose, she got back up, once again making her way across the valley. Her journey had had its lows and highs. She knew she had come a long way from her beginning destination. That seemed like years ago. She remembered the King’s face when he had looked at her from across the courtroom. Whisperers spread across the room like wildfire. The King, who had been brutally murdered only three days before had miraculously been brought back to life again. Oh, yes, the courtroom had been busy with rumors. She had heard about His resurrection and had rushed to the castle without even thinking. Dropping her buckets of water, that she had just filled up, spilling water that had taken her so much effort to get, she ran across the village, down the dusty road, and into the courtroom, pushing past the rest of the people who had heard the same news as she. And there he was. Standing, in His power and grace, in the middle of the room, in a simple white sheet tied across the bottom half of his body. The sheet was muddy and blood stained. It was the same sheet he had been wearing only three days earlier when he had been hanged. The royal guards had tortured Him mercilessly, after the townspeople’s indignant cries to have him killed. She had no idea why the people wanted Him, their king, killed. He had done nothing wrong. She cried for hours after hearing of His punishment. How could they kill Him? He was innocent. Of all things guilty for, perhaps His greatest offense was having loved the town and village people. He had never spoken harshly with anyone; He had offered gifts and jobs to the neediest in the surrounding villages and towns. He had never lifted a hand to harm, only to help. Why did the people not remember the things He had done for them? Blinded by ignorance and pride, they longer saw Him fit for kingship, no longer fit for royalty. The guards had tortured Him and beaten Him senseless, and when He had no more strength left they dragged Him up to the gallows, His fate finally before Him. She had been at His hanging, tears soaking through her clothes. Her heart felt like a rock beneath her chest, she thought she would die along with Him. Placing the rope around her bruised neck, the crowd mocking His pain and good works, cheered and rioted from below. His eyes were closed, and tears ran down his bloodied cheeks. His body didn’t look human, too broken to be anything remotely close to alive. He was dying. She looked at Him, and still found Him beautiful and glorious. He was everything to her. She loved Him like a daughter loves her father. He had found a way into her heart, a way that was now being destroyed by the loud jeering of the crowd. The shouts were becoming more and more deafening, and the guards were taking in the scene with a smile. They pushed Him forward and tightened the rope around His neck. One guard had his hand on a nearby lever which would once and for all rid the kingdom of their king. The King opened His eyes, looking over the crowd until His gaze settled over the girl, the one person in the crowd weeping tears of sorrow for the man on the platform, the man with the rope around His neck. Looking up from the ground, their eyes met. A surge of strong admiration and compassion coursed through her veins and a look of complete love filled His face. I love you. I love My people. The thought came to her suddenly out of nowhere. It wasn’t her thought, but looking at Him standing and looking and her, He nodded. I love you, it repeated. She didn’t know how, but she knew it was His thoughts she was hearing. The cries of the crowd suddenly grew louder, the guard moved his hand on the lever and she looked away. The King was dead.
Her feet were now bleeding as she walked across the uneven ground. The day had turned into night, but no stars lit the sky. The moon seemed suspended in the blackness, unsure if it was supposed to be there or not. Her body ached all over, her hands numb to the biting cold that seemed to be rising from the ground. She came to a part in the valley where the grass wasn’t so high and slumped down, lying curled up on the hard earth. The valley got louder at night. Crickets chirped melodically as wind blew over the tall grass. She suddenly sat up. Something had snapped in the distance. Her body froze in fear. It had sounded like a twig, and she got the distinct feeling someone was close by. The hairs on the back of her neck rose, and her body started shaking in fear. The crickets stopped chirping and the wind suddenly grew quiet. In the complete darkness she looked around her. Looking once more to her left, she was gripped with panic, her breath lost in her lungs. A shadow moved across the grass, drawing closer and closer to where she was sitting. She had been followed, and she knew who it was. The shadow slinked closer still. “My name is Fear”, he hissed. His voice was smooth and poisonous, and she stood up slowly, wanting to run away with everything she had, knowing full well is she did, he could chase her and catch her. The cold night seemed to get colder as she stood, silently staring as the shadow, named Fear closed around her, his breath hot on the back of her neck.
“Why don’t you run?”
“I am not afraid”, she answered with as much strength as she could muster. Her knees were shaking.
“Where are you going?” his voice was soothing.
She didn’t answer.
“Why do you continue to strive toward the good?” his voice was rising to a shout, “why are you willing to sacrifice everything for this king?”
She took a step, licking her lips. “You have no power over me”.
“No power? Where is your beloved king now?” he laughed.
Looking around, she felt suddenly very alone. In the darkness, she knew she was by herself. She had been by herself for a long time. The journey, this quest, had given her nothing but heartbreak. She took a step forward toward Fear, who was now standing directly in front of her, his yellow eyes glistening in the darkness. He smiled and stretched out his hand. “I can help you”.
She looked up at the still starless sky. What was she to do? Slowly she lifted her hand. I love you. She stopped, her hand frozen in midair. The shadow took a breath. I love you. Her heart leapt. I don’t know the way, she thought. I will show you, the voice replied. She had heard that voice before. She knew it could be trusted.
She drew hand back, staring all the while at Fear, whose eyes were electric, their color changing to red, and sparks flying. With a step he lunged toward her. She jumped aside just in the nick of time. She fell and began crawling away as fast as her legs and arms could carry her. She suddenly felt a strong clammy hand on the back of her neck, and couldn’t breathe. She stopped moving, her hands wriggling with the shadow’s hand that was now gripping even tighter around her.
“Now, you will die”, he hissed in her ear. Picking her up by the scruff of her neck he held her suspended in the air, their eyes fixed. The darkness was turning into a bluish haze; white spots of light surrounded her. She couldn’t breathe. Help me, she thought frantically. Nothing happened.
“Help me!” she screamed, although no sound came out, the shadow’s grip tightening even more. She choked and started flailing around, her strength was dwindling. HELP ME!
The shadow’s eyes suddenly looked scared, and his grip loosened. Grabbing at the opportunity, she wriggled free of his grasp and dropped to the ground. Looking behind her, a bright light was drawing closer and closer to where she and the Fear stood. He screamed in distress and started to run away. The light got brighter and closer until it was on top of the girl. It raced past her and toward the fleeing shadow. The Fear screamed one more time, but his cries were cut short as the light seemed to swallow it up, then there was silence. The light, which was so bright now that she had to turn away, came back toward her. The light was warm, and it heated her frigid body. I have defeated Fear himself, said that familiar voice. I will show you the way. The girl nodded and instantly the light was gone, vanishing into nothing.
“He’s alive! The King’s alive!” The crowd was cheering in the streets. Looking up from her work, the girl’s heart quickened. Running toward the crowd, her mind raced. Alive, how? She thought. She had just seemed him hanged three days earlier. Surely they were wrong.
“What’s going on?” she asked a woman who was hurrying along with the crowd.
“The King, someone spotted him walking on the road back into town. He’s alive!” the woman shouted.
The girl couldn’t believe it. Racing along with the rest of the crowd they made their way up to the castle courtroom, where a throng of anxious townspeople awaited. The royal guards kept the crowd lines at bay as the Royals stood, staring disbelieving at the middle of the courtroom. Searching the faces, the girl looked desperately for the face she wanted to see most. Finally her eyes rested on the person she had seen murdered just three days earlier. His overall physical appearance almost exactly the same, save the bruises on His neck where the ropes had been. He was standing, not saying a thing as the other Royals and townspeople questioned Him. Then, He saw her. Their eyes met and He nodded His head, smiled lovingly and reached out His hand. Instinctually she reached out hers as well, and walked towards Him. The guards shoved her back as she struggled to get to her King.
“Let her through”.
The crowd went silent. The guard turned around to see where the voice had come from. The King was inches from the guard. The guard released the girl, and the King ushered her to the middle of the courtroom. All was silent, thousands of eyes fixed on the King and the girl standing beside Him.
“Three days ago I died. Through an awesome power I have been brought back to life. I have fought with Fear and have come out victorious; death is no more for this young woman. She believed in Me when all other’s scoffed at me and wanted Me dead. Her faith and love have been proved genuine, and it is for her that I have been brought back to life, so that we may communion together”, he stopped and looked at the girl, who was now kneeling before Him, her cheeks tear-stained.
Crouching down, He touched her shoulder and lifted her up to standing. “You believed in Me when no one else did. You have been entrusted with a great journey, one that many have deemed impossible. The way to Paradise is a blessed road”, He smiled and brushed her hair out of her face. Taking her hand in His, He lifted her shaking hand and kissed it. “My child, it is for you I have died. I love you”.
The girl’s eyes filled with tears. The King looked at her then back at the crowd, their faces awestruck and filled with shame. Wordlessly, the King left the courtroom, the girl following. Outside the sun was shining brilliantly in the sky, and earth seemed to be rejoicing in this King’s resurrection. The King stopped and looked back at the girl who was a few steps behind.
“You have been chosen, My daughter”.
“I don’t know the way”, she whispered, still shaking. He took her hand in His and kissed it once more.
“I will show you”. And she knew, deep inside, He would.
“Where will I go?” she asked.
“To Paradise”, he smiled.
“Will you be there?” she asked.

The girl opened her eyes and looked across the valley. She had been dreaming. Filled with new hope, she knew somehow that her destination was near; she could taste it.
Like so many times before, she pushed herself to standing and began walking once more, something inside her sparked with excitement and anticipation. This day seemed different from the rest.
By the time the sun was high in the sky she had made it across the valley and was now precariously making her way up the summit of a mountain. The trees were thick and she had to often find ways around them in order to make it up. More than once she slipped and fell, sliding down the mountain until she finally regained her footing and she would have to start all over again. Her breathing was becoming more and more labored, but with every fall or stumble, the more determined she became. She screamed in agony as her foot cut across the jagged rocks. She went onto all fours and began the ascent that way. Looking back, she had climbed a far ways but kept going, a pit of purpose indwelling her body as she slowly but surely made her way up. How many hours had she been climbing? She did not know.
Her hands were shaking now, and her knees bloodied. Her throat was dry, and more than once the distant thought of giving up crept into her mind, but still she kept going, knowing that Paradise lie on the other side of this mountain.
The mountain got more treacherous as she reached the peak. She was now on her stomach, using just her arms to pull her up. With one final pull, she reached its peak. Standing up, bloodied and bruised, her mind and body desperately exhausted she looked up. A bright light in front of her and peering into the light she saw a great green field stretching in all directions. The distant sound of a waterfall reached her ears as the glistening sun warmed her body, every ray not only giving her hope but, somehow, peace. Closing her eyes she breathed deeply and she knew where she was. She had reached her destination. This was Paradise. My child, spoke the familiar voice and she opened her eyes. The King was standing right in front of her, His arms spread wide open, waiting for her and she ran to them. Enveloped in the warmest embrace she had ever experienced her body no longer ached. The purest form of peace and restoration coursed through her, now, unbroken body, her health restored. No longer did her knees shake, or her hands pulse with pain. Her head no longer was filled with doubt or even determination, only happiness remained, unquenchable happiness.
The King released her from their embrace and looked down at her, His face spread wide in a kind smile. “Well done, My good, my amazing, my upmost faithful servant”.
Tears, not of pain or sadness, but of joy sprang to her eyes. Taking her by the hand, He led her into the light, the green acres of Paradise before them. Her journey had ended and she was finally home.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

right now.


at this moment Jason Reeves.
but most recently, i have also listened to:
Michael Buble, Colbie Caillat, Tenth Ave. North, The Postal Service, The Listening, Muse, City and Colour, and Switchfoot (new album!!).


grades. am i trying as hard as a could be? tryin' my best not too feel too overwhelmed or too depressed but it's hard sometimes..


just ate half of a turkey sandwich, apple, and potato salad in le caf.


distracted. look above under "thoughts"..


two exams this week, two papers due monday, going to the zoo on saturday :))))


rereading 1 Peter... great book :)


good. slow? really blessed that i can work and do homework at the same time!


full day of classes followed by work and hopefully a jamba run...hopefully.

Looking forward to anything?

saturday!! christmas :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

another day in the life..

Playing Jenga for an entire class period - now that's the college life :)

Let's see... so far my day has consisted of going for a run (couldn't feel my legs by the end of it.. WAY too cold!), going to breakfast with with my amazing floor-mate, Trinity, and indulging in a delicious bowl of Lucky Charms followed by a cup of coffee which I didn't end up drinking because to my dismay the cup hadn't washed thoroughly and the remnants of what looked like hot cocoa were plastered to the sides of the mug. Followed by breakfast was an insightful Old Testament class, in which my prof informed us students that two people of the opposite sex cannot be friends unless they are in it for something.. that something being either, something more than friendship (bf/gf) or the more perverted choice, "benefits". (at this point me and Trinity, who happens to be in this class with me and also happens to have a best friend who is a guy, like me, turned to each other looking appalled) Followed by a very shocking lecture, it was time for speech. Speech = funnest class of the day. Today's class consisted of group's specialty: Jenga. The concentration and focus was like a strong perfume, wafting about the room. No one spoke as each person pulled the next wooden block, praying that God would not make them the person to have to destroy this masterpiece (we got to 30 levels when finally, collapse was inevitable).

Now, I sit. Here in my room. I have two hours until I must work and haven't got much homework to do. Maybe a walk is in my future? Or maybe another bowl of Lucky Charms? :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

::.moments like these.::

She looked into his eyes. Clarity. Things always seemed to get clearer when she looked into his eyes. The world became real again; unclouded and really, just less confusing. She couldn’t explain it. It’s like when she looked into his eyes, things made sense and she felt.. Home. She felt secure. The way a little girl feels when her dad wraps her up in his arms and tells it’s going to be ok. It was a settling feeling, one of warm feelings and butterflies. His eyes seemed to look deep into her soul and instead of being scared by what he might see, she felt comforted because she knew he would never look away, no matter how ugly she looked on the inside. He would always find her beautiful. He would always find her blameless. Pure.
Silence stretched across the field as they stared at each other. Time stopped, or at least it seemed to. The gusting wind that had been blowing the grass this way and that seemed to blow no more, and the rustling of the leaves seemed to diminish to a whisper while they held their gaze. It was as if the earth itself knew the thoughts of the two people standing in the field, all by themselves, speaking not a word, not daring to break the silent calm that spread between them. They weren’t scared of the silence, they encouraged it. The two people standing in that field had been through a lot with each other. They knew each other like they knew themselves. They were each other’s best friends and there something comforting in their relationship. They knew that no matter what they would always be there for each other. Neither one had to worry about the future of their relationship, nor the past. The present was their closest companion, and it drove them onward.
Moments like these are to be cherished always. The present. The moments when time itself seems to stand still and silence is welcomed and not discouraged. Times when love is not a thought but an action and where one’s eyes express more than what mere words could say. These moments ought to be cherished and remembered, the past never forgotten.