Monday, March 1, 2010

Mountains out of Molehills.

It's funny how big an issue can look when you're in it and then you take a step back and you realize "hey, that wasn't so bad after all!" (Plus, it helps when you have a great mom who will listen to you whenever and about whatever... especially regarding situations that seem to be the central point of conversation for many of the talks).

I am work at the moment. Just finished an iced tall soy latte :) I should probably be working on my book review thingy for New Testament but I felt like a blog was necessary so that I may digest my own thoughts before becoming overwhelmed with the various thoughts of Bruce W. Longenecker (the author of the "Lost Letters of Pergamum").

I had a fantastically amazing weekend! Saturday I slept until the glorious hour of 12:15 in the afternoon. The rest of the day was spent doing homework while conversing with some incredible people. Dinner was eaten with my dear friends Josiah, Trinity, Luke, and Brian in the caf (which happened to serve one of the best meals they have yet to make all semester!) and after a run to Target and a spontaneous trip to the park my Saturday night was quite spent and I was a very happy girl when I finally lay down and falling asleep to the music stylings of Hillsong I was quite at peace (yes, I realize how long that sentence was!).

Yesterday, Sunday I had the pleasure of attending church at Overlake. It was SO SO nice being at a church again without being obligated to sing for hundreds of people. It was nice to sit among the youth of the Student Ministries and just be "Brie" without any previous engagements hanging in the air. Lunch and the rest of the day was spent with the aforementioned Josiah Harmon and his family. It was a splendid time and the night resolved quite successfully.

So, why did I mention being overwhelmed with little situations? Why did I make it a point to address that sometimes we make mountains out of molehills? Because we do. And although yesterday was an amazingly relaxing and enjoyable day, I became victim of this theory and was completely overwhelmed upon reaching Northwest later last night. I was so overwhelmed by this very insignificant situation that I have not been able to stop worrying about it all day until just a few minutes ago when I hung up with my mom.

Our minds over think things to such a great extent sometimes it makes me wonder what God is thinking up there in Heaven when we suddenly become so involved in our own situations...
"My child!" He would say, "Do not worry! You see the fields of flowers and how elegantly dressed they are! How much more do I care about YOU, My child, whom I sent My Son to die for, than those flowers? Do not worry! You are forever under and in My hand. Relax in Me". He would then smile, pick us up, dust us off and kiss us gently on the forehead. Placing us under His hand we would once again begin out journey down this road called life.

Guys, I am the first person to freak out about a situation, to get the butterflies in the stomach and to feel completely overwhelmed. But it is not worth it! Believe me! God has everything under control, He KNOWS what has happened, what is happening, and what's going to happen. He knows, sees, and controls all and He won't let us fail. Our little finite mistakes are NOTHING compared to the great plan He has for my life, your life, our lives. A very wise woman once told me "We aren't big enough to mess up God's plan for our lives" and I think she was very right. We aren't big enough to mess His purpose, His plan, His way for our life so why do we worry and make little things seem bigger than they are?

With God we have nothing to fear, even the past, even the future.

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