Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jesus is my homeboy..

I don't place the title "friend", especially "best friend" easily on anyone.

When you're little you pretty call anyone who gets along with you, your best friend. That girl who shared her ice cream, or the guy who played tag with you...

I cannot place that title as easily as others.

Blame it on past not-so-good-relationships, or maybe my just inability to trust, I just tell it like it is.

The term "friend" to me, means almost the same thing as the term "best friend". I expect all my friends to be there for me, to listen, give advice, and just accept me for who I am. I realize people will let me down, because well, this is life and it happens, but I expect that friend to stick it out, even in the hard times, because our friendship is worth it.

Past relationships have taught me that friends will mess up. It was like up to that point I was living in a bubble, unaware that my bubble, my self confidence, could be popped. It's a hard reality, but I had to face it.

I had to face the fact that people will let me down. And that got me thinking..

If people are constantly letting me down, who can I turn to. Who will never let me down?

One person, and one person only, came to mind:


Of course, it was obvious. But in reality, it took me a long time to figure that one out. Jesus, my friend? I thought He was just that guy I went to church for. He is the one the stories in the bible are about. Could He really be my best friend?

Slowly, I came around to this idea. After being hurt so many times, I wasn't ready to put my heart on the line just yet.

There is a happy ending to this story though. I have finally realized that YES, Jesus can be trusted. He isn't just that guy that I sing songs about in church. He is someone I can count on 24/7, 365. He will never judge me or let me go. He is always there.

So, maybe I don't have too many best friends, or even friends in general. That doesn't seem to matter as much when I have Him by my side. He is the one friend who will always listen. The one friend who will always give me good advice. Loyal? Heck yes. Trustworthy? You bet. Dependable? Oh yeah.

Jesus Christ: my BFF for life.

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